About Us

Elephant Head Vineyard is owned and operated by A10 Warthog Commander- Lieutenant Colonel Steve Jackson whose passion to rise above the atmosphere and beyond transcended from sky to earth one serendipitous day in Amado, Arizona. Any viticulturists will tell you that region is everything. A pioneer in the Santa Cruz River Valley, EHV is part of the wide range of ecosystems that extend from rugged peaks and pine forests of the Santa Rita mountains, named after the patroness of “Impossible Causes & Hopeless Circumstances,” to the spring-fed canyons of the Sonoran desert. With Amado’s unadulterated sandy loam soils under his feet and the beat of a mountain temple in front of him an immediate hook was set from which Jackson could never escape.

Like the cactus that surrounds them, resilient are the EHV vines that survived and eventually thrived the rugged biosphere that throws mother nature curve balls with names like “Monsoon, Haboob, and Derecho.” Bold are the fruits of its labor that produces a wine making grape as unique as the prickly pear or blue agave plant. EHV is where Succulent and Vitis intersect from the unachievable to our unique offering.